Uzbekistan: State of readiness for the fall-winter season discussed
2019-09-06 2783President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev held a meeting on September 5, 2019
Uzbekistan National Film Commission invites foreign filmmakers
2019-09-05 2473The National Film Commission of Uzbekistan is responsible for the development of the “rebate” system, which will launched from January 1, 2020. Uzbekistan will reimburse 20% of the production budget
Uzbekistan: Further tasks are identified for development of physical culture and sports
2019-09-05 2683On September 4, 2019, President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a videoconference meeting
O‘zbekiston fuqarosi U.Baxronov haqida
379O‘zbekistonning Rossiyadagi Elchixonasi Moskva shahridagi L.A.Voroxobov nomli 67-son shahar klinik kasalxonasining reanimatsiya bo‘limida yotgan Rossiya Xalqlar do‘stligi universiteti talabasi, O‘zbekiston fuqarosi U.Baxronov to‘g‘risida OAVda tarqalgan xabarni tasdiqladi.
Uzbekistan’s athletes to take part in the World Athletics Championships
2019-09-04 2666World Athletics Championships will be held in Qatar on September 27 – October 6
Uzbekistan government delegation visits China
2019-09-04 3046In accordance with the agreements of the heads of Uzbekistan and China, a delegation led by Uzbekistan’s Prime Minister A. Aripov visited the PRC